Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lost in Time by Melissa De La Cruz

After their beautiful yet brief bonding ceremony in Italy, Schuyler Van Alen and Jack Force are forced to separate. To fulfill the Van Alen Legacy, Schuyler travels to Alexandria to search for Catherine of Siena and the Gate of Promise. But Schuyler quickly discovers that everything she believed about the Gate to be wrong. Meanwhile, Jack makes the difficult decision to return to New York to face his twin and former bondmate, Mimi. But instead of a bitter reunion, he is faced with a choice for which there is no good option. 

Mimi, with a most unexpected travel companion in Oliver Hazard-Perry, jets off to Egypt, too, to search for Kingsley Martin, her long lost love. With all roads leading to Hell, Mimi learns that not all love stories have happy endings. But she'll have to put her own feelings aside if she's going to save her crumbling Coven. 

Packed with heartache, twists, and vampiric folklore, Lost in Time is sure to satisfy hungry fans' cravings for more Blue Bloods adventure.

I have been reading the Blue Blood series since Winter 2008. I am very invested in this series. The characters in this series seems to be like old friends that I am happy to see again. I have gotten to know them, cried with them, hated them, and smiled when they get what they deserve, both happy and sad.

This entire book is told from three plot lines, each chapter goes to the next plot line. The plot lines are:

  1. Jack and Schuyler searching for the next Gate
  2. Mimi and Oliver searching for Kinglsey in hell 
  3. Allegra and Charles initial separation back before their children are born
I was horrified that in the first chapter Jack was leaving to go battle it out with Mimi. Luckily it doesn't happen he stays with Schuyler. It was nice to see how their relationship was building, though Jack has a few secrets he isn't sharing with Schuyler about their bonding. 

Speaking of secrets, Mimi doesn't tell Oliver the reason he is going to hell with her is so he can give up his soul so Kingsley can come back. Hell in this book is not the burning inferno, but a place where your deepest secrets are displayed for you, to slowly torture you. It's subtle? hm. Yep. Subtle.  Hello Kingsley.  I think I'm starting to fall for his character more than Jack's. Jack was such a jack wagon when I fell for him in the first three books, not that bad ass has left because he is so in love with Schuyler, which is great but his edge is gone. 

Allegra - I don't know for being Gabrielle and one of the highest angels, she sure is clueless about the Blue Blood codes and rules and the outcomes and it's disappointing. Really disappointing. However, this plot line makes me feel really sorry for Charles Force. He loves her and she left him. She may have her reasons, but I have no doubt that is why he is so cold in present day. 

The end three plot lines - all surprising. All great. Next book please! 

Can we please make this a movie? Someone? Yes you! Future movie maker, there in the back! Yeah. You do it!


  1. Oh I was looking at this book just yesterday on Amazon, didn't realize it was a series! Thanks for the review, going to check them out!

  2. Hmmm, interesting. Worth adding to the tbr!

  3. I love this series! Team Jack til the end! Mimi's planning on giving up Oliver's soul? *Gasp! That Witch (but with a B)! SOOOO happy to hear that Jack doesn't leave Sky.... I'm not feeling the whole Allegra chapters, I'd rather get more sky/Jack.
